


To Register your Trademark, we need the following information.

  1. Name of your Trademark ( Must be less than 15 words and 200 characters
  2. Select a Classification below from the list:  Example  #41 is Education & Entertainment
  3. Owners Name
  4. Address
  5. Phone
  6. Email Address
  7. After you make payment, we will process the mark within 48 hours.

  Use this Button to Pay your One Time Trademark fee of $750 Dollars US.  If your trademark is not registered, we will return your money. The payment is collected by the IBS International Board of Standards, LLC

List of 45 Classification Codes or Numbers-  PICK ONE

001 - Chemicals
002 - Paints
003 - Cleaning Substances
004 - Industrial Oils
005 - Pharmaceuticals
006 - Common Metals
007 - Machines
008 - Hand Tools
009 - Computers and Scientific Devices
010 - Medical Supplies
011 - Appliances
012 - Vehicles
013 - Firearms
014 - Precious Metals
015 - Musical Instruments
016 - Paper Goods
017 - Rubber Products
018 - Leather Goods
019 - Building Materials
020 - Furniture
021 - Household Utensils
022 - Ropes and Textile Products
023 - Yarns and Threads
024 - Textiles
025 - Clothing
026 - Lace and Embroidery
027 - Carpets
028 - Games and Sporting Goods
029 - Meat, Fish, Poultry
030 - Coffee, Flour, Rice
031 - Grains, Agriculture
032 - Beers and Beverages
033 - Alcoholic Beverages
034 - Tobacco Products
035 - Advertising and Business Services
036 - Insurance and Finance Services
037 - Construction and Repair Services
038 - Telecommunications Services
039 - Shipping and Travel Services
040 - Material Treatment Services
041 - Education and Entertainment Services
042 - Science and Technology Services
043 - Food Services
044 - Medical and Vet Services
045 - Legal and Security Services


I got my trademark in 24 hours. I began using the  ®  and TM symbol immediately."

- CEO USA - 
